Sunday, November 2, 2008

Annoying people

I talked to the dumbest person at work the other day. Check this out.

I answer the phone and this female voice comes on and says I need to check my credit limit. I ask for her name and only catch the last. (that tends to happen to me) I pull up the account and it belongs to a Benjamin (insert last name here). The girl gave me the right last name. I start asking my security questions. There's a bit of hesitation in her voice. There's a comment on the account that says "Wallet stolen 10/31" So I know for a fact this isn't Benjamin. I try to call the girl out on it by saying I couldn't help her and she needs to go into the bank at this point. "Why? all I need is my credit limit because my card stopped working" I wanted to slap her silly and say Are you fucking serious? You want me to believe you are a girl named Benjamin? I did say this though. Well you have to go into the bank with picture id so they can be sure you're who you say you are. At this point most fraudsters would realize they aren't getting anywhere and hang up. But oh no not this one. She was still begging me to help her. She finally got off when I told her I couldn't help her even if I wanted to. How dumb do you have to be? If you steal a wallet you use the cards until they don't work then ditch them. You don't call the bank, who has caller id, and ask about them. Especially if you're not even the same sex and the cardholder. I ended up calling fraud to let them know.

Here's another story for you.

I was in Family Fare self check out. One women in front of me doing her grocery's. Something rang up for the wrong price and she turns to me and "wanted to ask me a favor. Can you please go look in the aisle and see if this is on sale?" Wait...what? No I will not. I'll do you a favor and watch your shit while YOU go look. I ended up telling her "No, I would feel more comfortable if you asked someone that worked here" She started to turn around to look for someone and ended up asking the people in the next lane if they knew. They were all like um we don't work here. When she did find out that it was just the white bread not the wheat that was on sale, am I a bad person for thinking yeah that's right, read the sign better crazy now you have to pay more.?


Unknown said...

I LOVE the new picture! :)

Also...I cannot believe that women in Family Fare asked you to check the price for something! Good thing that never happened to me, I totally wouldn't be able to say no!

Amberlynne said...

Brooke, I adore your new picture at the top! It's waaaay cute! And, both of those stories are crazy.

Good for you for saying no to the crazy lady, I probably wouldn't have come up with anything to say but, "sure, I'll be right back."

Anonymous said...

I second Amber on the adorable picture. :)

Brooke said...

Thanks girls!!!!