Friday, August 1, 2008

I just got back from the gym. I took a step class today. Holy crap am I out of shape. It felt really great when I was done though. I can't wait until I could do that class with my eyes closed. The class was one hour. I didn't do my circuit training. Rob had started dinner. I didn't know how long the class was and I don't want to over do it too soon. There was a point when I thought I was going to throw up. Yikes. The teacher said I was picking up on the steps pretty quick. And I made a friend! Her name is Sierra. She wanted me to stick around for the next class, Zumba. I told her maybe next time.

Speaking of friendships I'm going through that phase again where I don't feel like an awesome friend. Some of it has to do with I'm not that close to many I consider friends. I'm going to try to be better. At least make the effort on my end. I know everyone is busy and I don't want to nag.

Rob is leaving tonight to his parents to go to Shipsawanna tomorrow. I want to go so bad. I love that place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agreed with what you said tonight, we should go out like that more often. Thanks for organizing that.(this comment kind of relates right?)